Tuesday, August 26, 2008

DAY TRIP to Provo River Falls & Mirror Lakes
This is a gorgeous waterfall only 1 1/2 hours from where we live. Talon loved hiking and watching the waterfall. He got a little thirsty after hiking so much!
We also went to one of many beautiful lakes called Mirror Lakes (this is the area Joe loves to go snowmobiling and motorcycle riding).

Talon cooling off with Dad in the pool.


Talon loves to help mom in the garden. We have planted Corn, Zuccinni, Peas, Carrots, Cucumbers, Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Jalepenos,

Cilantro, Radishes, and Pumpkins.
We've enjoyed homemade salsa, zuccini bread and fresh peas and cucumbers so far! We love the fresh vegetables!
Getting Talon to eat them is another story. He would rather feed mom or dad peas from the pod than eat them himself.

1 comment:

Marcella said...

Great pictures! You're garden looks amazing. I was excited about mine, but nothing is really harvesting, and I'm starting to realize how small it actually is. Can't do much with 10 green beans and 3 snap peas. I get 1 zucchini a week. Next year I'm going all out.